Scroll down to the 9/10/24 update to view a video recording of the Worcester County Commisioners September 3rd 2024 meeting where White Horse Park and Assateague Pointe Owners were given an opporuntiy to speak.
Message via Email Blast to all Owners 12/11/2023:
Message from the White Horse Park Board of Directors.
It has come to our attention that at least one homeowner has received a letter from the County regarding their gazebo.
We were made aware of the issue and along with Assateaque Point, have made several calls and emails to the County on this ruling. We also enlisted the advice of the Park attorney, who has also communicated with the County on our behalf.
Due to the County moving forward with the letters, if you receive any correspondence from them regarding this issue, please do not ignore it. However, we will continue to negotiate on the Park's behalf and keep you updated.Please refrain from contacting the office in regard to this matter. Thank you. _________________________Update_____________________________________ Update: Email blast to all Owners 12/30/2023: Happy New Year from the BOD of White Horse Park. As you are aware, property owners at both White Horse Park, and Assateague Pointe were sent letters from Worcester County Planning and Permitting. They stated that anyone having either a soft or hard top canopy along with a shed, would only be allowed one of the two and one needs to be removed by May. Our BOD has been working on this with our attorney to see what options we may have. Since Assateague Pointe is in the same situation, we have joined an alliance with Assateague Pointe, and have agreed to share the cost to potentially sort this out as we both use attorneys from the same group. Since we are the only campground subdivisions in the county, any code change will affect us both. This alliance may well be a great benefit going forward, where issues affect both communities. We are grateful to have gained their cooperation in this matter. Please understand that this will not happen overnight, and the office has no further information to provide. We will continue to provide homeowners with updates as soon as we have something to share. Understand also, that this is NOT any form of a lawsuit. In the meantime, no permits will be issued for new Canopies until this is resolved. Thank you from the BOD for your continued trust and cooperation in this matter. Our very best, Pat, Tammy, Brian, Terry, Valerie ____________________________Update______________________________ Update: Message to all Owners from the Board of Directors 3/30/2023: Dear White Horse Park Homeowners,Our attorneys have advised that they do not believe we will successfully get the Countyto approve a text amendment that would allow a second accessory structure (gazebos).For this reason, we will not pursue the issue any further. We are attaching AP's notice totheir homeowners. Thank you for your understanding.WHP BODPat, Tammy, Brian, Valerie, TerryIf you need further information please check the website Relevant Message posted on Assateague Pointe's website:
Dear Assateague Pointe Homeowner,As anyone with a pergola knows Worcester County, acting on a complaint from a White Horse Parkresident, cited about 80 owners at Assateague Pointe for having a “second accessory structure” which isagainst the Campground subdivision regulations. Everyone with a pergola has been asked by the CountyPlanning department to remove these pergolas by around May 2nd. In coordination with White HorsePark, we hired an attorney to research the possibility of changing the code to allow the pergolas.Unfortunately, our research has led us into a situation where the County attorney and planningdepartment staff do not support our plight and would ultimately render an unfavorable staff reportalmost guaranteeing a no vote from the commissioners. I have spoken with the board and given thecircumstances we are faced with, we have decided to no longer pursue a code change. Since this is amatter between the County and you the homeowner it would be best to contact the planningdepartment directly at 410-632-1200, ext 1123. Jennifer Keener or someone else in that dept can assistyou. We are sorry this worked out this way and if any hope of changing the code arises in the future wewill advise.Thanks, Troy Purnell, APHOA Treasurer ____________________________Update______________________________ Update: Message to all Owners from the Board of Directors 3/30/2023: Dear Whitehorse Park Owners,We recently received the below information from Worcester County regarding accessory structures. We feel this information is crucial and should be shared with all homeowners as soon as possible. It will also be posted on the website for reference. Please read the content of this email thoroughly, as well as the attachment.It has been brought to our attention that some homeowners want to continue with the amendment process on their own and we truly hope this will result in a more favorable outcome than we were able to achieve.Sincerely,Pat, Tammy, Brian, Terry & Val ________Update_____________ A message from Worcester County's Jennifer Keener:"As the Department has been receiving numerous calls relating to whether certain types of structures are permissible in the campground subdivisions, we have developed the attached policy sheet that outlines what is not a structure based upon the zoning law. This policy sheet does not change the prior statements made by the department that the metal or wood canopies with canvas roofing are considered a structure subject to the accessory structure provisions.
Copies of this information will be mailed to those that previously received a notice from the department relative to the structures on their sites. In addition, please note that we have extended the timeframe for compliance by an additional month through the beginning of June.
If someone has a unique shade feature not identified herein that they would like an interpretation on, please have them reach out to Kristen Tremblay, Zoning Administrator at with a rendering or photograph so that a determination can be made by the Department.
Sincerely, Jennifer"Policy referenced above:Department Policy on Accessory Structures in CampgroundsCreated April 2, 2024 For Accessory Structures in the Campground Subdivisions and Cooperative Campgrounds, eachsite is only permitted to have one (1) in accordance with §ZS1-318. Sheds, Pergolas, and Gazebosare all considered ‘structures’ as they require assembly and are to be constructed or erected with afixed location on the ground, or attached to the ground and must be properly permitted. As onlyone accessory structure is permitted, one option is to remove the shed and keep the pergola/gazeboor vice versa. Deck boxes or other ‘Rubbermaid’ style storage solutions would be acceptable,provided that a person is unable walk in/stand up inside. Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County §ZS1-103 STRUCTURE“Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or attached to somethinghaving a fixed location on the ground or a building as defined herein. "Structures" include walls,fences and signs.” §ZS1-103 BUILDING“Any structure which is designed, built or occupied as a shelter for persons, animals or property.The term "building" shall include tents, roadside stands, mobile homes, recreational trailers,vehicles and other similar objects when used as a permanent shelter and shall also include anypart thereof.”Temporary shade items are not considered structures and shall be taken down or removedwhen not in use or during inclement weather conditions. Examples may include umbrellas,outdoor day-beds with awnings, ‘pop-up’ canopies (foldable) and sunshades/sails. If you areconsidering a temporary shade item, please provide the Department with a photograph or drawingso that we may evaluate them on a case-by-case basis.
Awnings attached to the manufactured or mobile unit may also be permitted with a buildingpermit. Please note that engineered plans will be required. Please see below links forpermitting guidelines and application: Building Permit Application: Building Permit Submittal Checklist: Find a memo from Worcester County (re.Campgrounds) -> HERE ________Update________ A message from Worcester County's Jennifer Keener: 4/30/2024 The Department has received a text amendment application from an owner within the White Horse Park campground subdivision to address the accessory building provisions. Therefore, we will withhold the previously extended enforcement action on the canopies/gazebos/pergolas until such time as the amendment has been considered.
Sincerely,Jennifer K. Keener, AICPDirectorDept. of Development, Review and PermittingWorcester County GovernmentOne West Market Street, Room 1201Snow Hill, MD 21863(410) 632-1200, extension __________________Update 9/10/2024_____________ The attached link is provided for homeowners to view a recording of the September 3, 2024 Worcester County Commissioners public hearing concerning Bill 24-08 Accessory Buildings in Campground Subdivisions. Terry Lenhart, Secretary To view the video click HERE
We were made aware of the issue and along with Assateaque Point, have made several calls and emails to the County on this ruling. We also enlisted the advice of the Park attorney, who has also communicated with the County on our behalf.
Due to the County moving forward with the letters, if you receive any correspondence from them regarding this issue, please do not ignore it. However, we will continue to negotiate on the Park's behalf and keep you updated.Please refrain from contacting the office in regard to this matter. Thank you. _________________________Update_____________________________________ Update: Email blast to all Owners 12/30/2023: Happy New Year from the BOD of White Horse Park. As you are aware, property owners at both White Horse Park, and Assateague Pointe were sent letters from Worcester County Planning and Permitting. They stated that anyone having either a soft or hard top canopy along with a shed, would only be allowed one of the two and one needs to be removed by May. Our BOD has been working on this with our attorney to see what options we may have. Since Assateague Pointe is in the same situation, we have joined an alliance with Assateague Pointe, and have agreed to share the cost to potentially sort this out as we both use attorneys from the same group. Since we are the only campground subdivisions in the county, any code change will affect us both. This alliance may well be a great benefit going forward, where issues affect both communities. We are grateful to have gained their cooperation in this matter. Please understand that this will not happen overnight, and the office has no further information to provide. We will continue to provide homeowners with updates as soon as we have something to share. Understand also, that this is NOT any form of a lawsuit. In the meantime, no permits will be issued for new Canopies until this is resolved. Thank you from the BOD for your continued trust and cooperation in this matter. Our very best, Pat, Tammy, Brian, Terry, Valerie ____________________________Update______________________________ Update: Message to all Owners from the Board of Directors 3/30/2023: Dear White Horse Park Homeowners,Our attorneys have advised that they do not believe we will successfully get the Countyto approve a text amendment that would allow a second accessory structure (gazebos).For this reason, we will not pursue the issue any further. We are attaching AP's notice totheir homeowners. Thank you for your understanding.WHP BODPat, Tammy, Brian, Valerie, TerryIf you need further information please check the website Relevant Message posted on Assateague Pointe's website:
Dear Assateague Pointe Homeowner,As anyone with a pergola knows Worcester County, acting on a complaint from a White Horse Parkresident, cited about 80 owners at Assateague Pointe for having a “second accessory structure” which isagainst the Campground subdivision regulations. Everyone with a pergola has been asked by the CountyPlanning department to remove these pergolas by around May 2nd. In coordination with White HorsePark, we hired an attorney to research the possibility of changing the code to allow the pergolas.Unfortunately, our research has led us into a situation where the County attorney and planningdepartment staff do not support our plight and would ultimately render an unfavorable staff reportalmost guaranteeing a no vote from the commissioners. I have spoken with the board and given thecircumstances we are faced with, we have decided to no longer pursue a code change. Since this is amatter between the County and you the homeowner it would be best to contact the planningdepartment directly at 410-632-1200, ext 1123. Jennifer Keener or someone else in that dept can assistyou. We are sorry this worked out this way and if any hope of changing the code arises in the future wewill advise.Thanks, Troy Purnell, APHOA Treasurer ____________________________Update______________________________ Update: Message to all Owners from the Board of Directors 3/30/2023: Dear Whitehorse Park Owners,We recently received the below information from Worcester County regarding accessory structures. We feel this information is crucial and should be shared with all homeowners as soon as possible. It will also be posted on the website for reference. Please read the content of this email thoroughly, as well as the attachment.It has been brought to our attention that some homeowners want to continue with the amendment process on their own and we truly hope this will result in a more favorable outcome than we were able to achieve.Sincerely,Pat, Tammy, Brian, Terry & Val ________Update_____________ A message from Worcester County's Jennifer Keener:"As the Department has been receiving numerous calls relating to whether certain types of structures are permissible in the campground subdivisions, we have developed the attached policy sheet that outlines what is not a structure based upon the zoning law. This policy sheet does not change the prior statements made by the department that the metal or wood canopies with canvas roofing are considered a structure subject to the accessory structure provisions.
Copies of this information will be mailed to those that previously received a notice from the department relative to the structures on their sites. In addition, please note that we have extended the timeframe for compliance by an additional month through the beginning of June.
If someone has a unique shade feature not identified herein that they would like an interpretation on, please have them reach out to Kristen Tremblay, Zoning Administrator at with a rendering or photograph so that a determination can be made by the Department.
Sincerely, Jennifer"Policy referenced above:Department Policy on Accessory Structures in CampgroundsCreated April 2, 2024 For Accessory Structures in the Campground Subdivisions and Cooperative Campgrounds, eachsite is only permitted to have one (1) in accordance with §ZS1-318. Sheds, Pergolas, and Gazebosare all considered ‘structures’ as they require assembly and are to be constructed or erected with afixed location on the ground, or attached to the ground and must be properly permitted. As onlyone accessory structure is permitted, one option is to remove the shed and keep the pergola/gazeboor vice versa. Deck boxes or other ‘Rubbermaid’ style storage solutions would be acceptable,provided that a person is unable walk in/stand up inside. Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County §ZS1-103 STRUCTURE“Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or attached to somethinghaving a fixed location on the ground or a building as defined herein. "Structures" include walls,fences and signs.” §ZS1-103 BUILDING“Any structure which is designed, built or occupied as a shelter for persons, animals or property.The term "building" shall include tents, roadside stands, mobile homes, recreational trailers,vehicles and other similar objects when used as a permanent shelter and shall also include anypart thereof.”Temporary shade items are not considered structures and shall be taken down or removedwhen not in use or during inclement weather conditions. Examples may include umbrellas,outdoor day-beds with awnings, ‘pop-up’ canopies (foldable) and sunshades/sails. If you areconsidering a temporary shade item, please provide the Department with a photograph or drawingso that we may evaluate them on a case-by-case basis.
Awnings attached to the manufactured or mobile unit may also be permitted with a buildingpermit. Please note that engineered plans will be required. Please see below links forpermitting guidelines and application: Building Permit Application: Building Permit Submittal Checklist: Find a memo from Worcester County (re.Campgrounds) -> HERE ________Update________ A message from Worcester County's Jennifer Keener: 4/30/2024 The Department has received a text amendment application from an owner within the White Horse Park campground subdivision to address the accessory building provisions. Therefore, we will withhold the previously extended enforcement action on the canopies/gazebos/pergolas until such time as the amendment has been considered.
Sincerely,Jennifer K. Keener, AICPDirectorDept. of Development, Review and PermittingWorcester County GovernmentOne West Market Street, Room 1201Snow Hill, MD 21863(410) 632-1200, extension __________________Update 9/10/2024_____________ The attached link is provided for homeowners to view a recording of the September 3, 2024 Worcester County Commissioners public hearing concerning Bill 24-08 Accessory Buildings in Campground Subdivisions. Terry Lenhart, Secretary To view the video click HERE