2022 By-Law Amendments
Reason for admendment: During the Pandemic, in-person meetings were not permitted by law for a while and then not called to order by the existing Board after restrictions were lifted. As a result, WHP did not have an election in 2020. No one will argue that the Pandemic was a difficult time to navigate; however, our nation had an election in 2020 and WHP should have been able to have an election as well. This Amendment to the By!Laws will ensure WHP will always have an election.
Reason for amendment: During the Pandemic, in-person meetings were not permitted by law for a while and then not called to order by the existing Board after restrictions were lifted. As a result, WHP did not have an election in 2020. No one will argue that the Pandemic was a difficult time to navigate; however, our nation had an election in 2020 and WHP should have been able to have an election as well. This Amendment to the By-Laws will ensure WHP will always have an election.
Reason for amendment: In the past, Homeowners have requested special meetings and the Board insisted that Article V; Section 4, did not apply to the Board of Directors. If twenty percent (20%) of the total property owners (93 lots) at WHP think there is an issue important enough to call a special meeting, the Board should be required to call and attend that meeting, and do so following the specific requirements noted in Article V, Meeting of Members, Sections 4, 5 and 6.
Reason for amendment: I, Tammy Franklin, believe that no five people, nor any Board of Directors, should have the right to, or be able to, involve the entire WHP community in litigation where WHP is NOT specifically named a defendant, without the Homeowners of WHP having some say in whether or not they want to be involved in the litigation. Litigation is very expensive and could cost the Homeowners ofWHP tens of thousands of dollars (at least, and probably more). The only exception would be litigation to collect debt owed to White Horse Park.